
Peer-Reviewed Conferences and Journals

Robledo Yamamoto, F., Barker, L., & Voida, A. Faculty, Student, and Community Partner Experiences in Computer and Information Science Service Learning. ACM Transactions on Computing Education. (pdf)

Harrell, R., Lentz, S., Robledo Yamamoto, F., Voida, A., & Barker, L. (2024)  Putting the Service into Service Learning: A Report on a Survey of CS Faculty. In Proceedings of the SIGCSE Technical Symposium. New York: ACM Press.

Robledo Yamamoto, F., Cho, Janghee, Voida, A., & Voida, S. (2023). ”We are researchers, but we are also humans”: Creating a design space for managing graduate student stress. In Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI). (pdf)

Robledo Yamamoto, F., Barker, L., & Voida, A. (2023). CISing Up Service Learning: A Systematic Review of Service Learning Experiences in Computer and Information Science. In ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE). (pdf)

Jiang, A. J., Robledo Yamamoto, F., Nagy, V., Zander, M., and Barker, L. (2023). Data Privacy in Learning Management Systems: Perceptions of Students, Faculty, and Administrative Staff. In P. Zaphiris & A. Ioannou (Eds.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Springer International Publishing. 

Kilkenny, M., Hovey, C. L., Robledo Yamamoto, F., Voida, A. & Barker, L. (2022). Why Should Computer and Information Science Programs Require Service Learning? In Proceedings of the SIGCSE Technical Symposium. New York: ACM Press. (pdf)

Robledo Yamamoto, F., Voida, A. & Voida, S. (2021). From therapy to teletherapy: Relocating mental health services online. In Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction–CSCW 2 (CSCW), Article 364, 30 pages. (pdf)

McKimmy, C., Teeters, L.P., Alvarez, A., Boeldt, D., Carol, E., Pachecho, J., Robledo Yamamoto, F., Shedro, M., Zigarelli, J., & Dimidjian, S. (2021). Nuestra escuela, nuestra voces (our school, our voices): Using photovoice to understand and promote compassion in schools. Journal of Latinos and Education. (pdf


Robledo, Yamamoto,. F. (2023). Incorporating Community in the Design of Mental Health Technologies. University of Colorado at Boulder ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. (pdf)

Workshop Papers

Robledo Yamamoto, F., Voida, A., & Voida, S. (2020) Helping the helpers: Understanding technological tools used by mental health providers. In the 2020 SIGCHI Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS2020) Workshop on Mental Wellbeing: Future Agenda Drawing from Design, HCI and Big Data